Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blog Review and Spotlight!

I'd love to host a review and giveaway on my blog for anyone that's interested in being spotlighted!!!!! :) Free stuff for me, free advertising for you, potential sales for you, free item to an adoring fan. Win Win for all 3 parties! :) Lets do it!!!!! Email me or comment on this posting if you're interested.

Monday, July 26, 2010

{free printable} I Heart Shoes

{free printable} I Heart Shoes

I love Lemon Drop Studio and Shauna's creativity. This free printable is just another reason why I love her shop and her haha. Snag yours! I'm going to print mine and hang it above my work station at home, I need a little inspiration!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I'm not sure exactly how hot it go to be today in good 'ol rainy Oregon, but I'm going to guess that it hit at least 95! For an area that sees more rainbows than heat waves, this sure has been an adjustment for my household!

Fortunately, my house has air conditioning which was humming away hardcore today, just to keep the house at a steady 75. My poor cats were sprawled out across any cold tile they could find and would frequently move when their spot got too warm. Drea, my pup wanting nothing more than to lay outside in the dead grass and sunbathe. To me, she looked dead. To her, she's just basking in the wonderful rays of the sun. It's quite a sight to see! :)

Given that you couldn't be outside for more than 20 minutes without needing a cold shower, I decided to work on some new items for the shop. I was able to complete 3 sets of fabric button magnets and look forward to branching out into more fabric items. I love all of the infinite possibilities of colors and patterns!

Be sure to stay in touch with all things Sticky by following It's a Sticky Situation at these other social media outlets.....


Friday, July 23, 2010

Fabric Button Push Pins now available!

I've been working on a bunch of fun sets of Fabric Button Push Pins for my shop and here's some sneak peeks of what I've created.




Go to It's a Sticky Situation and snag a set before they're gone!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New @ the shop

I've been working hard at getting more things added to the shop and have been quite successful!

New @ the shop:
Blank greeting cards
Scrap booking die cuts
Hello Kitty themed crafts

I'm always looking for new inspiration, so if you have an idea or a custom order, lemme know!!! :)

Be sure to stop by It's a Sticky Situation often, new things are always appearing!