Friday, August 28, 2009


I heart shoes. I heart colored shoes, strapped shoes, flat shoes, ballet shoes... you name it, I like it! I was so thrilled to see that awesome big brown box truck pull up to my house last night bringing me a box of goodness!!!! Inside, were 5 fabulous pairs of shoes that I purchased from on an 80% off clearance sale! Who couldn't resist super cheap shoes that were SUPER cute???? So, here's what I got.

I love them all dearly, except for maybe the silver ballet flats. They don't look as cute as they are in the picture. but, hey, how can you complain when I practically paid only $11 a pair!!!???!!!!???. I sure do love Target! :) I'm sure my podiatrist is going to be THRILLED when she finds out that I'm going to be venturing back into heels once I'm out of this stupid walking cast. I miss my shoes! Since mid June, I've only been able to enjoy one. Poor right foot, oh how I've neglected you!

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